Thursday, October 18, 2012


The boys were going kind of crazy, and I knew I needed to redirect a little of that extra energy. So, I pulled a this one out of my activity bag. You can make these sun catchers in any shape you desire. We chose  a rectangle for the sake of time. This killed two birds with one stone. The boys had fun, and I found a way to decorate a few windows. They are always pulling at the blinds so we're forced to keep them up and out of reach. 

What you will need:
Contact Paper
Cut pieces of Ribbon/Colored Scrap Paper 
 Card Stock/Construction Paper

1. Cut out you shape/border from the card stock. 
2. Cut your ribbon into small pieces.
3. Cut the contact paper to fit, and peel off backing. 
4. Adhere the cutout to the sticky side of the contact paper.
5.Let your child decorate with ribbon pieces.
6.Cut a second piece of contact paper and seal it.
7. Hang in the window :)



Noah working on his sun catcher.

Caleb working on his sun catcher.

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